Choose the Galaxybase Graph Database that best suits your needs

Galaxybase Graph Database products are available in Pioneer, Enterprise, and Ultimate versions. Different versions vary in graph storage mode, graph computing engine, system architecture, and other aspects

Galaxybase Enterprise Edition
Native distributed graph storage supporting real-time graph queries
High-performance graph analysis: includes 57 built-in single-node graph algorithms
Recommended for small to medium-scale graph applications
Fully distributed graph database
Online high scalability: additional support for ultra-large-scale distributed graph storage and computing
Real-time graph analysis: rich set of distributed graph algorithms
Support for graph data at the scale of trillions
Galaxybase Pioneer downloadListInfo.stand-title-下载-galaxybase
Feature-rich, efficient, and user-friendly
Supports rapid construction, querying, analysis, and computation of property graphs
Community technical support
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Development Interface Download (Drivers and PAR Download Portal)
Galaxybase Cloud Database下载-galaxybase
An integrated database for multi-infrastructures
Ensures high performance of graph databases while reducing database costs
Offers various options including Enterprise Classic and Advanced editions
Comparing Versions
Category Item Pioneer Enterprise Ultimate
Graph Storage
Native graph storage engine
Centralized replication storage mode 3-node cluster at most
Sharding and partition storage mode No limit
Compressed data storage
Coexistence of multiple graphs Up to 7 (free version) Up to 50 (charged version) Up to 50 Up to 999
Storage capacity limit 30 GB (free version) No limit (charged version) No limit No limit
Vertex limit 40 million at most No limit No limit
Graph Data Model
Property graph data model
Multigraph data model
Advanced property type support (list, set)
Clean up invalid data
Vertex, edge and property mapping
Batch Import and Export
Full batch import data
Increment batch import data
Batch import data source: local files
Batch import data source: HDFS
Batch import data source: JDBC
Batch import data source: Kafka
Batch data export: local files
Batch data export: HDFS
Kerberos security
Query and Traversal
Vertex, edge and property query
Multi-hop traversal
Property index
Fuzzy query
Database transactions (Read Submission)
Database transactions (non-repeatable read)
Graph Computation
Standalone graph compute engine
Distributed graph compute engine
Built-in basic graph algorithms 10 standalone algorithms of 3 types 55 standalone algorithms of 7 types 55 standalone algorithms of 7 types 19 distributed algorithms of 4 types
Graph query language
OpenCypher query language
Built-in APOC functions
Execution management of query language
Java API
Python API
Golang API
HTTP Restful API
Custom APOC function extension
Custom algorithm extension
Operation & Maintenance
Cluster monitoring
Load balancing
Data backup and restore
Multi-user Up to 1 admin (free version) Up to 3 (charged version) No limit No limit
Role-based access control (at graph level)
Keep only the admin user and modify password(free version)
(charged version)
Fine-grained permissions at the level of vertex/edge and property
LDAP access control
Chinese CPU
Chinese Operation Systems
Visualization Interface
Visualization interface for cluster management
Graph Studio visualization interface
Embedded graph display
Command Line Tool
Data loading tool
Data export tool
Connection management tool
Cluster management tool
Data conversion tool
PAR management tool
OpenCypher execution tool
Tool for streaming remote file
Create Link is the first domestic commercial graph database supplier with fully independent intellectual property rights, dedicated to providing world-class graph database products and graph intelligence services.

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